tel: 07510 307716

Illona McLay - High Performance Team and Dental Business Coach

Approachable. Experienced. Inspiring.

"Working closely with dental practices, principal dentists and their respective teams on a daily basis, I truly understand the challenges that need to be overcome when driving your business forwards"

lllona has worked for more than 30 years in a range of senior management roles with a major blue chip company and has covered a range of roles in sales, business development and people management. Illona has also worked as a dental hygienist both in NHS, private practice and Dental Hospitals and has owned a number of different successful businesses outside of dentistry.

This enables her to combine her vast knowledge of the dental business, with her experience and skills gained in the corporate world, to transform dental teams and businesses to become the best they can be.

A qualified Reed trainer and coach, Illona is an expert in developing high performance teams. Her forte is coaching people in how to help identify and resolve the critical issues within their practices, ethically sell their services and grow their business.

Recognised as an expert in selling, she is involved in training various sales teams for major dental manfacturers as well as running courses for Practice Managers, Treatment Co-ordinators and Receptionists throughout the year. She also provides lectures for NHS Education for Scotland, the Royal College of Sugeons and Glasgow Dental Hospital on Business Development, Team Building and Stress Management.

For a Free Telephone Consultation please call Illona on: 07510 307716

Tel: 07510 307716
Millburn, Carronshore Road, Carron, Falkirk, FK2 8EE

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